Current status:
  • User has difficulty identifying eligible IDs of Cross Boss, namely flow as follows: Unstake Cross Boss from Cross Boss Testers pool -> See if Eligible NFT portion of Random Cross Boss pool increases -> Otherwise bring unstaked Cross Bosses back to previous Cross Boss Testers pool.
  • Testimonials (see also the first attachment section to see user flow):
  • My wallet address to check user flow:
  • Minimize the time in flow users doing NFT staking.
  • Reduced gas fee when users have to unstake and re-stake
Suggested solutions:
and. Create an additional Activities tab for the purpose of recording user logs related to staking.
b. Assign tags on NFTs images in the NFTs tab. Tag format: Staked + [Name of the pool being staked]
Summing up:
  • Both solutions have their own cost and both make the site heavier and I also noticed that the solutions have a tracking nature. Therefore, the Hotcross team can consider turning this part into a paid feature in common with the Dashboard mentioned by Phi (i.e. the user who makes the payment to unlock the Dashboard will also unlock the feature above).
*Note: The 2.3 attachments are other user actions that are unstaked and then re-staked. I track the last 100 transactions of Staking Contract from the Cross Boss Testers pool